The Know-Award is a newly introduced special prize of the European Youth Award (#EYA2014) highlighting projects using open data and/or promoting open science most efficiently. It is chosen from all projects submitted in the category Smart Learning. In a world where data volume doubles every two years and information overload is a constant fact, the winning project of the Know-Award brings order into the “information chaos,” while making raw scientific data more accessible and understandable. The Know-Award winner is selected by experts of the Graz-based Know Center, one of Europe’s leading research centers for data-driven business.

INCEND is a science communication portal bringing together researchers investing significant efforts in communicating their work, professionals and a wider audience to discover, share and discuss research-related content. As universities expand their marketing and communication departments and grant programs require the communication of research results, INCEND offers researchers a profile to communicate all their work in a visual and intuitive interface, from academic articles and books to podcasts, videos and blogs. The goal is to make the research communication process more efficient and to leverage the Open Access movement by making research available and relevant to everyone.

Die Kurzvideos wurden mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Grazer Know Center produziert.


3. Dezember 2014

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Birgit Kolb

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