#EYA2014- Money Matters: AhaDesign

The European Youth Award is a pan-European contest to select and honour "Digital Creativy for Social Good!". The seven categories of #EYA2014 concentrate on Europe’s most pressing challenges as defined by the Council of Europe and EU strategy Europe 2020 in 2014. Winner in the category Money Matters ist Aha Design.

Aha Design fights youth unemployment by connecting talented unemployed youngsters with businesses through a freelance platform. While youth unemployment remains at 20% in the UK and current solutions prove ineffective, Aha Design offers income to youth, rather than training or work experience. Partnering with charities, the project targets unemployed youth from all backgrounds: its unique business model focuses on the real needs of business clients and leverages existing skills of youth within that framework. A pilot project engaged orphans, homeless and recent immigrants, all of whom were successfully supported. Aha Design acted as a digital agency working with clients in a way they understand and managing all freelancers internally, to provide training, web design and development services.

Die Kurzvideos wurden mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Grazer Know Center produziert.


3. Dezember 2014

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Birgit Kolb

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