#EYA2014 - Connecting Cultures: Dreamy

The European Youth Award is a pan-European contest to select and honour "Digital Creativy for Social Good!". The seven categories of #EYA2014 concentrate on Europe’s most pressing challenges as defined by the Council of Europe and EU strategy Europe 2020 in 2014. Winner in the category Connecting Cultures is "Dreamy".

Dreamy is a tablet game with a super-hero universe developed for children ages seven to eleven to re-enchant an otherwise monotone and lonely hospital stay. The adventure consists of an exploration in hospital corridors, using an interactive map in 3D augmented reality allowing the child to “leave” their room and to meet other children. Thanks to a toy called “totem” recognized by the tablet, the young super-hero resolves mini-games alone or in cooperation with other children, bringing the light back into darkened corners of the hospital in a fun way. Four super-powers, strength, agility, transformation and intelligence, are essential to complete this quest. Communication with others via Dreamy reassures children and brightens their hospital stay.

Die Kurzvideos wurden mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Grazer Know Center produziert.


3. Dezember 2014

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Birgit Kolb

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